There are reasons why the job search takes a psychological toll. If you’re refreshing your inbox every few minutes or perusing job boards constantly, you’re keeping your body and mind in a high-alert stress mode that can do damage over time. An easy way to do this is to see what the job ads you’re applying to are looking for. If anything is missing in your skillset, start there. If you’ve been searching for your dream job to no avail, you may be feeling anxiety, pessimism, and depression slowly creeping in. Contact us today to learn how BetterUp’s career coaching servicecan help you accelerate positive change professionally and personally. Don’t let your feelings of hopelessness about your job search cause burnout and emotional exhaustion.

Remember how far you have come and remember how important each step is along the way. Don’t lose sight of the effort it takes to transition into a new career. This will keep you focused on specific tasks, which will prevent you from feeling overwhelmed and depression and job search defeated. The key is to set small, attainable goals for each week. You should also keep a folder with your tailored resumes and cover letters. It’s also important for providing you with proof in terms of how far you’ve come from when you first started.

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As coaches, we’ve both seen just how large of an impact the pandemic and job loss/job insecurity has had on mental health. Request 15 minutes of their time and ask to hear more about their experience and any advice they could offer you. Your toolbox for getting through depressive episodes may include exercising every day, maintaining a schedule, or ensuring you get a set number of hours of sleep every night. Whatever helps you to keep your head above water, make sure you’re prioritizing it during your job hunt. Unfortunately, job searches can be grueling—even without the added challenge of dealing with depression. And those initial feelings of excitement may fade; they did for Mulvihill. It convinces you that you have no skills, no discernable talents, and no worthwhile contributions to make to the world.

  • Your local medical center will likely have resources.
  • Knowing that you are able to accomplish goals you set for yourself can help you stay positive and flip your mindset around.
  • And staying busy can prevent you from getting stuck too much in your own head when depression is looming.
  • The new experience of your first time being unemployed.

This will help job seekers better deal with the inherent highs and lows of job search. Even in “normal” times, job search can be overwhelming and challenging. Especially during periods when you have limited energy and focus, I recommend devoting the majority of your time to networking as opposed to applying to job ads. Instead, I make depression and anxiety work for me. ​Whether you’re looking to develop your career or make a new start in health and safety, a visit to booth #4748 at the NSC Safety Congress & Expo should be number one on your action plan. Though it can be difficult to see a way out of the situation – especially the longer it goes on – there are some steps you can take to combat the effects of a prolonged job search. Whilst there are many employees looking for new roles, there are also millions –almost 20 million in the US– that find themselves unemployed as a direct or indirect result of the pandemic.

Reasons Why You Should Put Career Breaks on LinkedIn

BetterUp Care™ A growth approach to mental fitness and organizational health. Diversity & Inclusion Foster a culture of inclusion and belonging. Sales Performance Transform your business, starting with your sales leaders. Turn off the television, put down your phone and go for a walk outside to clear your head. Stop excessively gaming, smoking weed, binge-watching Netflix and fighting with everyone around you and on social media. Set aside the negative thoughts racing around in your head. I write actionable interview, career and salary advice.

job search depression

Today’s merciless job searches compound people’s feelings of fear and worthlessness. The lack of feedback job seekers receive from recruiters and employers—despite the efforts they exert—leads them to doubt their value. For a while, at least, the job search itself may become your full-time job. Studying job boards, filling out online applications, and creating personalized cover letters for each potential employer is time-consuming, repetitive, and demoralizing. Always watching your email for positive replies or waiting for a phone call to schedule an interview can challenge your anxiety levels. As weeks or months pass with no response to your applications and résumé submissions, it can be hard to keep a positive attitude.

Are you looking for a job in Information Technology?

When you are experiencing career-related challenges, that’s the time to engage with people. You need to let others know what’s happening; they may have some answers for you or leads on new opportunities. They may have been down the same road and have some wisdom to impart. It feels better to get things off of your chest by sharing with others. The greatest entrepreneurs, business people, athletes, politicians and celebrities had epic failures and still rose to greatness.

job search depression

Instead of habitually doing this, take a deep breath and pause. ” Even if you’re in a tough spot, you need to find the mental fortitude to think of positive solutions to make things better. Since social media dominates our culture, we mistakenly believe that everyone else is enjoying a good life, while you’re the only one struggling. Ignore the Instagram facade of others; otherwise, you’re comparing yourself to something that is manufactured and not real. Here’s what you need to do to keep positive, motivated and upbeat to avoid spiraling into a bad mental and emotional state. Let them give the emotional support you need to re-tool and repurpose during your career transition.

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A better approach is to block out specific hours in your day to dedicate to different job-hunting tasks. In this way, you start treating your job search like an actual job. Follow these steps in order, and you’ll start to see the light at the end of the job search tunnel. You may even start to feel like a failure the longer your job search goes on. Learn how we can resiliently overcome feelings of stress and anxiety lingering from the pandemic. What’s more, maintaining a positive attitude throughout your job hunt can better your chances of landing your dream gig. Make a list of job postings you’re applying for, with information like interview dates, contact details, and interview questionsyou’d like to ask.

  • Just asking a friend to join you for coffee can help.
  • And spruce up the top third of your resume to pique the interest of whoever reads it.
  • Those who listed financial concerns as their top source of stress often cited a perceived loss of identity as a close second.

Look rather for the Pepper Potts around you to support you in this chapter of your life. Carlson School of Management at University of Minnesota recently sponsored a study that examines how job loss and the hunt for a new job impact the job-seeker’s mental health and well-being. Taking one day to yourself or taking one day off to spend with family and friends, with no computer access, is the best way to breathe life back into your job search.

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In the beginning, committing yourself to finding a job may actually help to ease some of your depressive symptoms. Gloria Mulvihill, a freelance editor and writer for, was diagnosed with clinical depression seven years ago. Just recently, she started looking for more consistent work within her field. The solution to job-search depression isn’t as easy as hitting the pavement and sending out more résumés. If you feel such a mistake has been made, then you could try reaching out to the recruiter or the hiring manager to check on the progress of your application. But keep in mind that these appeals may not always be successful. She has experience in the social impact space in Baltimore, Maryland, the educational museum sphere in Columbus, Ohio, and the literary world of New York City.

  • Instead of networking, perhaps you can spend some time building a list of organizations and people of interest for future contact.
  • But for a recent college graduate, the job hunt is just one of many significant changes and new endeavors.
  • While research shows that people experience an increased sense of well-being just after losing their jobs, that trend reverses if they’re still hunting after 10 to 12 weeks.
  • When you lose your job, you lose a lot of structure in your life.

If you’re finding and applying for jobs that you like and you’re the perfect fit for, but fail to score an interview, you may start questioning everything. You can shake those unwanted feelings, start feeling like yourself again, and land the job you were always meant for. There is always hope for those suffering from job search depression. Staying organized will prevent you from feeling overwhelmed with the job search process.

Check out Groot, though he joined by accident, he became instrumental in creating Thor’s new hammer, the Stormbreaker. Are you looking for ways to stay motivated in finding a job? Encourage yourself with these techniques courtesy of the Avengers. If you need focused coaching time, let’s get started. So many people wait to get help and end up making decisions that they deeply regret later.

  • You might think your skills and abilities aren’t strong enough for your chosen career, or you pursued the wrong degree altogether.
  • Instead of habitually doing this, take a deep breath and pause.
  • Depression can come in many forms and can occur in various events.
  • Use these six easy steps to lessen your job-hunting depression and get back on track now.
  • Plus, I knew I couldn’t sound like I’d just woken up from a nap when I got calls from potential employers.